Sunday, May 6, 2018
Episode 33 Ready Player One: TenOuttaTen Movie
Infinity Games Podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by KelryxsKing and Jukeboxhero2323.
In our thirty third podcast we talk about the Ready Player One movie. As a continuation of our discussion from almost two months ago when we ranted about the book, we now rate and review the movie. We love it so much but as always we complain because we care. We also touch on topics like the Netflix Death Note and FMA movies, the weather, and feeling like misfits.
We thank you for listening to our podcast! If there is anything you would like us to talk about on the show let us know on our social media. We would appreciate if you subscribed to us through iTunes, Google Play Music, YouTube, or our RSS Feed. Your support helps grow the show and we appreciate you!
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